Whereas rationality seems to determine contemporary world order, could it be possible that the belief, now maybe considered as a weak concept, allows to study socio-economic systems as a whole ? Belief invariably arranges relations between the phenomena and the world : it negotiates with the transcendence and administers the truth - both polymorphous, subjects to interpretation, control and power wills. Mytho-mania theoretically examines two major opposite belief systems. Myth, as a religious system, ritualizes archaic society by confronting sacred - access to the divine through unproductive expenditure - and profane. Modernity, as a secularized system, normalizes the existence in order to produce and accumulate Capital (money) ; the expenditure is then related to productivity and pro t, and sacred blown by pro- fane. Myth turns to consumation when Modernity aspires to consumption. Post-Modernity is completing Modernity. She provides traces of mythic structures : the mystery surrounding transcendence does not disappear despite the hegemony of the Knowledge system. Aesthetic thoughts and productions - Art, Architecture, Design - always legislate belief systems. How are these phenomena organizing transfers of sacrality, belief’s crossroads — these mytho-mania ?Fresh !, as a small conclusive tome, eventually offers refreshments : ten precepts and selected prophets let us discover alternative spaces, while rehabilitating thoughts often considered as occultism. It becomes necessary to nd adequate symbols for the contemporary transcen- dence — undoubtedly embodied by Rationality, Capital, Digital — and negotiate with it, as we had negotiated with the gods of Myth.